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发布时间:2019-05-23 06:48:59 所属栏目:通讯 来源:观察者网(上海) 举报
导读:副标题#e# 32e8 (原标题:华为驻欧首席代表在欧盟总部发表演讲:欧洲不能绥靖美国欺凌(全文)) 【编译/观察者网 李天宇】 当地时间5月21日,华为驻欧盟机构首席代表刘康在布鲁塞尔发表了题为“5G的欧洲方式”(5G The European Way)的演讲。 刘康发表演






(译:观察者网 李天宇)


Esteemed Members of the Press, distinguished guests, dear friends,

Welcome to this, our 3rd DigitALL Lunchtime Debate. I would like to thank our partner Tipik for the relaunch of the huawei.eu website that Maha has just presented to us.

Huawei has been in the news these last couple of days and I’m sure you have all been following the developments and media reports.

Those among us who cherish the rule-of-law should be worried. You believe in the free market, in the respect of mutually agreed rules and in the principle of non-discrimination You should be alarmed with the behaviour of the US administration against Huawei. What has happened to the sacrosanct presumption of innocence The founding fathers of the US constitution would be alarmed when confronted with the actions of the Trump Administration.

In a very European way, Huawei has been respecting all applicable laws and regulations. Now Huawei is becoming the victim of the bullying by the US administration. This is not just an attack against Huawei. It is an attack on the liberal, rules-based order. This is dangerous. Now it is happening to Huawei. Tomorrow it can happen to any other international company. Can we shut our eyes to such behaviour If we shut our eyes, what will be the likely consequences of such a complacent appeasement in the future I leave it to everybody to think about the significance of this development. 

Today’s talk is about 5G The European Way.

This is the second big point I want to make today: Huawei’s 5G solution is not just the best on the market. But it is to a large extent a European product, many of the technologies are actually developed by the researchers and scientists in Europe. 

As you might be aware, Huawei has been operating in Europe for nearly 20 years. We now have 12,200 employees in Europe, 70% hired locally. In 2018, we procured over 5.6 billion euros of goods and services in Europe. We have research partnerships with 140 top universities and research organisations in Europe.

We want Europe to be at the vanguard of this 5G revolution to boost European’s economy and reinforce European industry’s leading position. That is why we launched a campaign to coincide with the EU elections: Vote for 5G, Vote Smarter, aimed at promoting awareness of 5G opportunities and the potential it has for strengthening European values and solidarity.

I believe that future technologies like 5G will actually help safeguard Europe’s social model and the European way of life. We know Europe’s history, and how, back in 1950, Robert Schuman delivered his remarkable declaration bracing Europe for the future.

We are at another crossroads now, nearly 70 years later, where new technologies will bring tremendous changes to society and the future.

Back in 1950, Europe lay in ruins: after the devastations and tragedies of the Second World War, the Old Continent needed to reinvent itself and launch a new model through which its best values – freedom, courage and solidarity – could flourish once more. The revolutionary Schuman Declaration paved the way for what has later become the European Union – a 28-nation economic and cultural powerhouse which continues to inspire the entire world.

When Schuman delivered his declaration in May 1950, his proposals to pool coal and steel production, and thereby make war between European states materially impossible, seemed illusory to many. And yet, Schuman‘s vision was the beginning of an incredible success story!

Huawei cares about a strong and united Europe, and we are ready to work with the EU to roll out 5G the European way. There is a huge opportunity for Europe to be seized. The ICT revolution can work for Europe. This continent is looking to reinvent itself – Huawei’s 5G is a decisive part of the solution for Europe’s contemporary challenges.


